Our years of experience in the development of athletic programs have proven success. We were able to obtain achievements of national and state championships in the sports of Men’s Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, Baseball, Girls’ Volleyball and Boys’ Soccer. During this period, we have positioned more than 60 athletes in prestigious universities around the United States. Our group principal, Mr. Raymond Dalmau III, and Mr. Carlos Morales Jr. have over 30 years of experience in the sport development market.


Attitude: The way a person feels and tackles certain life situations; greatly affecting human behavior and a necessary component in the selfs action plan to achievement. One’s attitude is always based on personal choices ultimately determining one’s successes or failures in their lifetime.

Action: The way a person feels and tackles certain life situations; greatly affecting human behavior and a necessary component in the selfs action plan to achievement. One’s attitude is always based on personal choices ultimately determining one’s successes or failures in their lifetime.

Achievement: The act of successfully reaching a desired goal or outcome; often through a positive attitude and a followed course of action. Ultimately, leading to self positive reinforcements and future successes.

Attitude + Action = Achievement


  • Cognia Accredited
  • STEM Certified Teachers
  • NCAA Certified


  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Volleyball


We believe that God is ONE, eternal, who created everything that exists through Him and for Him. God has revealed Himself to humanity throughout history as The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. These are 3 people in one. Not divisible into being, nature or being.Gen 1:1-2, Det 6:4, John 1:1-18

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the only mediator between God and men. “Our Lord, who was conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended into hell, on the third day rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, Almighty.”Philippians 2:6-11, John 14:6, Matthew 16:16

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the same spirit of God that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. He guides us into all righteousness and all truth. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, sanctifies us, makes us witnesses of Christ and gives the Church the necessary gifts for its edification.John 16:13-15, Rom 8:11, John 16:7-8, 2 Thes 2:13, Acts 1:8, 1 Cor 14About the Bible: We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. It is the standard of faith and conduct of the believer. It is the final authority for determining all true doctrine.2 Tim 3:16, Heb 4:12, Psalm 119:105, Ephesians 6:17

We believe that salvation comes from God and by God. Salvation is a gift from God. All humanity has sinned and cannot achieve salvation, nor communion with God, through merits or own works. The human being is saved only by the grace of God through faith in the life, death and resurrection of Christ.2 Tim 1:9, Ephesians 2:8, Galatians 2:16-20, Titus 2:11-14, Rom 3:24, Rom 11:6, Ephesians 2:5, John 1:16, Titus 3:7

Visit us


1865 N Econlockhatchee Trail,
Orlando, FL 32817
